Dr. Jorge Contreras Garduño

& Sexual Selection

Our investigation focuses on Sexual Selection and Eco-Immunology.
The species chosen as subjects are those with biological characteristics that allow us to test different hypotheses. For example, we have studied butterflies, moths, beetles, scorpions, nematodes and humans.
Professional experience
2015 to date Professor at the ENES, UNAM
2010-2015 Associate professor at the University of Guanajuato
2010 Postdoctoral Associate at Halifax University,
Canada (advisor: Shelley Adamo)
2008-2010 Postdoctoral Associate at the National Institute of
Public Health, Cuernavaca, Mexico (advisor:
Humberto Lanz)
2007 PhD obtained at the Institute of Ecology,
Program in Biomedical Science,
UNAM (advisor: Alejandro Córdoba-Aguilar)
2002 BS degree received in Biology at the Autonomous
University of Mexico State (advisor: José Luis Osorno)
American Society of Parasitology
European Society for Evolutionary Biology
International Society for Behavioral Ecology
Teaching experience:
Undergraduate level (at the ENES, Morelia campus, UNAM)
Biodiversity I: Origin & Evolution
Functional Ecology
Behavioral Ecology
Evolutionary Ecology
Graduate level (at the ENES, Morelia campus, UNAM)
Evolutionary Immunology, Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences and Posgrade in Biological Science, UNAM.
I am a regular collaborator for teaching in the course “Ecophysiology of Animal Behavior” (doctoral program in Biomedical Sciences)