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Dr. Jorge Contreras Garduño

& Sexual Selection

115. Krams et al. 2025. Great tit (Parus major) nestlings have longer telomeres in old-growth forests Than in young forests. Ecology and Evolution.
114. Samore et al. 2024. Accordance and conflict between religious and scientific precautions against COVID-19 in 27 societies. Religion, Brain & Behavior.
113. Méndez-López et al. 2024. Metabolism and immune memory in invertebrates: are they dissociated?
112. Diaz et al. 2024. Honey bee protein and lipid nutrition in avocado and blueberry agroecosystems with conventional and organic management. Arthropod-Plant Interactions.
111. Mendoza-Diaz de León et al. 2024. Lie to me to lay with me: females deceive males via terminal investment. PLoS ONE. 19.
110. Groyecka-Bernard et al. 2024. Conservatism Negatively Predicts Creativity: A Study Across 28 Countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
109. Lanz-Mendoza et al. 2024. The plasticity of immune memory in invertebrates. Journal of Experimental Biology. S1.
108. Trejo-Meléndez & Contreras-Garduño 2024. To live free or being a parasite: The optimal foraging behavior may favor the evolution of entomopathogenic nematodes. PLoS One.
107. Trejo-Meléndez et al. 2024. The evolution of entomopathogeny in nematodes. Ecology and Evolution. 10.1002/ece3.10966
106. Croy et al. 2024. COVID-19 and social distancing: A cross-cultural study of Interpersonal distance preferences and touch behaviors before and during the pandemic.
105. Cordero-Molina et al. 2024. Neural mechanisms involved in female mate choice
in invertebrates. Frontiers in Endocrinology.
104. Cordero-Molina et al. 2024. Exploring the males’ terminal investment strategy: Impact of the dose of stress and the time-lapse between stress and mating. Ecological Entomology. 49: 21-30.
103. García Bucio et al. 2023. Incubation in shaded hatcheries biases sex-determination but preserves Lepidochelys olivacea hatchling physiology. Marine Environmental Research. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.106244
102. Marino et al. 2023. Genomics of the relict species Baronia brevicornis sheds light on its demographic history and genome size evolution across swallowtail butterflies. Genes Genomes Genetics.
101. Vargas-Vargas et al. 2023. Evidence of long-term allocentric spatial memory in the terrestrial hermit crab Coenobita compressus. PLoS ONE. 10.1371/journal.pone.0293358
100. Contreras-Garduño et al. 2023. The immune response of the whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) when parasitized by Eretmocerus eremicus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). PLoS One.
99. Diaz et al. 2023. Alterations in plant-soil-bee multitrophic interactions after fungicide soil application. Rhizosphere.
98. Hernández-Villanueva et al. 2023. The females’ response to male attractiveness: mate choice, larvae production and differential brain protein expression. Ethology.
97. Krama et al. 2023. Development under predation risk increases serotonin-signaling, variability of turning behavior and survival in adult fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
96. Sorokowska et al. 2023. Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the world. Scientific Reports.
95. Samore et al. 2023. Greater traditionalism predicts COVID-19 precautionary behaviors across 27 societies. Scientific Reports.
94. Trejo-Meléndez et al. 2023. The coincidental evolution of virulence partially explains the virulence in a generalist entomopathogenic. Acta Parasitologica.
93. Amaro-Sánchez et al. 2023. Effect of juvenile hormone on phenoloxidase and hemocyte number: The role of age, sex, and immune challenge. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B.
92. Sorokowski et al. 2023. Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries. Scientific Reports.
91. Burciaga et al. 2022. The honey bees immune memory. Developmental & Comparative Immunology.
90. Kowal et al. 2022. Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries. Evolution and Human Behavior.
89. Quesada et al. 2022. Survival, body condition and immune system of Apis mellifera liguistica fed avocado, maize and polyfloral pollen diet. Neotropical Entomology. 51: 583-592. DOI: 10.1007/s13744-022-00974-7
88. Carmona-Peña et al. 2022. Benefits and costs of immune memory in Rhodnius prolixus against Trypanosoma cruzi. Microbial Pathogenesis.
87. Borráz-León et al. 2022. Are Toxoplasma-infected subjects more attractive, symmetrical, or healthier than non-infected ones? Evidence from subjective and objective measurements. Peer J.
86. Krams et al. 2022. Physiological stress and higher reproductive success in bumblebees are both associated with intensive agriculture. Peer J. 10:e12953
85. Krams et al. 2022. Dominance of Fructose-Associated Fructobacillus in the Gut Microbiome of Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) Inhabiting Natural Forest Meadows. Insects. DOI: 10.3390/insects13010098
84. Lanz-Mendoza & Contreras-Garduño 2021. Innate immune memory in invertebrates: Concept and potential mechanisms. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 127:104285. 10.1016/j.dci.2021.104285
83. Krams et al. 2021. Ecological stoichiometry of bumblebee castes, sexes and age groups. Frontiers in Physiology. 12: 696689.
82. Galicia-Mendoza et al. 2021. Biology of the oldest butterfly species in the world, Baronia brevicornis: food, abundance, polymorphism and survival. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. e923503.
81. Butterfield et al. 2021. Morphology of the limb, shell and head explain the variation in performance and ecology across 14 turtle taxa (12 species). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
80. Carmona-Peña et al. 2021. The innate immune response of triatomines against Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli with an unresolved question: do triatomines have immune memory? Acta Tropica.
79. Borráz-León et al. 2021. Self-perceived facial attractiveness, fluctuating asymmetry, and minor ailments predict mental health outcomes. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology.
78. Walter et al. 2021. Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
77. Luoto et al. 2021. Socieconomic position, immune function, and its physiological markers. Psychoneuroendocrinology.
76. Sorokowska et al. 2021. Affective international touch in close relationships: A cross-cultural perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
75. Méndez-López et al. 2021. Do entomopathogenic nematodes induce immune priming? Microbial Pathogenesis.
74. Lara-Reyes et al. 2021. Insect immune evasion by dauer and non-dauer entomopatogenic nematodes. Journal of Parasitology. 107: 115-124.
73. Borráz-León et al. 2021. Toxoplasma gondii and psychopathology: Latent infection is associated with interpersonal sensitivity, psychoticism, and higher testosterone levels in men, but not in women. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology. 7: 28-42.
72. Ruiz-Guzman et al. 2021. Interactions between oxidative stress and attractiveness to mates and individual mate choice in the beetle Tenebrio molitor. Ethology. 127: 109-116.
71. Krams. et al. 2021. Spider odors induce stoichiometric changes in fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Current Zoology. 67: 127-129.
70. Rantala et al. 2020. Effect of Juvenile Hormone on resistance against entomopathogenic fungus Metharizium robertsii differs between sexes. Journal of Fungi. 6: 298. 10.3390/jof6040298
69. Sorokowski et al. 2020. Universality of the triangular theory of love: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the triangular love scale in 25 Countries. Journal of Sex Research. 58: 106-115.
68. Rubika A. et al. 2020. Womens socioeconomic position in ontogeny is associated with improved immune function and lover stress, but not height. Scientific Reports.
67. Krams et al. 2020. Developmental speed affects ecological stoichiometry and adult fat reserves in Drosophila melanogaster. Animal Biology. 71: 1-20.
66. Nicoletti M. et al. 2020. Physiological costs in monarch butterflies due to forest cover and visitors. Ecological Indicators 117.
65. Kowal et al. 2020. Reasons for facebook usage: Data from 46 countries. Frontiers in psychology 11.711.
64. Walter et al. 2020. Sex differences in mate preferences across 45 Countries: A large-scale replication. Psychological Science. 31: 408-423.
63. Juárez-Hernández et. al. 2020. Hidden costs in the physiology of Argia anceps (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) due to pollution. Neotropical Entomology. 49: 227-233.
62. Contreras-Garduño et al. 2019. The cost of immune priming within generations. The Science of Nature. 106: 59.
61. Conroy-Beam et. al. 2019. Contrasting computational models of mate preference integration across 45 countries. Scientific reports, 9:16885.
60. Borráz-León J. et al. 2019. Low intrasexual competitiveness and decreasing testosterone in human males (Homo sapiens): The adaptive meaning. Behaviour. 157(1): 1-15.
59. Dean-Conroy et al. 2019. Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation. Evolution and Human Evolution. 40(5):479-491.
58. Martínez-Lendech N. et al. 2019. Does juvenile hormone prompt males to oxidative stress? Journal of Experimental Biology. 222.
57. Trakimas et al. 2019. Ecological Stoichiometry: A link between developmental speed and physiological stress in an omnivorous insect. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience. 13:42.
56. Marcinkowska U. et al. 2019. Women’s preferences for men’s facial masculinity are strongest under favorable ecological conditions. Scientific Reports. 9:3387.
55. Medina Gómez H. et al. 2018. Pathogen-produced catalase affects immune priming: A potential pathogen strategy. Microbial Pathogenesis. 125: 93-95.
54. Canales-Lazcano J., Contreras-Garduño J. & Cordero C. 2019. Strategic adjustment of copulatory plug size in a nematode. Current Zoology. 65(5):571-577.
53. Lanz H. & Contreras-Garduño J. 2018. Insect innate immune memory. In advances in comparative immunology. Ed.: Edwin Cooper. Springer. pags: 193-211. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-76768-0_9
52. Medina Gómez H. et al. 2018. The occurrence of immune priming can be species-specific in entomopathogens. Microbial Pathogenesis. 118: 361-364.
51. Martínez-Lendech N., Golab, M., Osorio-Beristain M. & Contreras-Garduño, J. 2018. Sexual signals reveal males’ oxidative stress defenses: testing the hypothesis in an invertebrate. Functional Ecology. 32(4): 937-947.
50. Krams I. et al. 2017. Food quality affects the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes upon simulated parasite attack in the larvae of greater wax moth. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 165(2-3): 129-137.
49. Krams I. et al. 2017. Microbiome symbionts and diet diversity incur costs on the immune system of insect larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology. 220: 4204-4212.
48. Castro-Vargas C. et al. 2017. Methylation on RNA: a potential mechanism related to immune priming within but not across generations. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8, 473.
47. Arriaga-Osnaya B. et al. 2017. Are body size and volatile blends honest signals in orchid bees? Ecology and Evolution. 7(9): 3037–3045.
46. Golab M.J. et al. 2017. The effects of habitat deterioration and social status on patrolling behavior in the territorial damselfly Calopteryx splenden. Polish Journal of Ecology. 65(1):122-131.
45. Ruiz Guzman G. et al. 2016. Costs and benefits of vertical and horizontal transmission of Dengue virus by Aedes aegypti. Journal of Experimental Biology. 219: 3665-3669.
44. Covarrubias-Camarillo T. et al. 2016. Baronia brevicornis caterpillars build shelters to avoid predation. Journal of Natural History. 50(35-36): 2299-2310.
43. Jiménez-Cortés J.G. et al. 2016. Microbiota from Rhabditis regina may alter nematode enthomopathogenicity. Parasitology Research. 115(11): 4153-4165.
42. Márquez-García A. et al. 2016. Is Juvenile hormone a potential mechanism that underlay the "branched Y-model"? General and Comparative Endocrinology. 230-231:170-176.
41. Contreras-Garduño J. et al. 2016. Insect Immune Priming: Ecology and Experimental Evidences. Ecological Entomology. 41(4): 351–366.
40. Contreras-Garduño J. et al. 2015. Plasmodium berghei induces priming in Anopheles albimanus independently of bacterial co-infection. Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 52(2):172–181.
39. Enríquez-Vara, J. et al. 2015. Temporal variation in immune components of the white grub Phyllophaga polyphylla (Bates) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae). Neotropical Entomology. 44(5):466-473.
38. Ambriz-Aviña V., Contreras-Garduño J. & Pedraza-Reyes M. 2014. Applications of Flow Cytometry to Characterize Bacterial physiological responses. BioMed Research International. ID 461941.
37. Navat J. et al. 2014. Immune response of Phyllophaga polyphylla larvae is not an effective barrier against Metarhizium pingshaense. Invertebrate Survival Journal. 11(1): 240-246.
36. Marcinkowska et al. 2014. Cross-cultural variation in men’s preference for sexual dimorphism in women’s faces. Biology Letters. 10: 20130850.
35. Manjarrez-Silva J., Janczur-Feret M.K. & Contreras-Garduño J. 2014. Sexual size dimorphism, diet and reproduction in the mexican Garter snake Thamnophis eques? Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 9(1):163−169.
34. Galicia A., Cueva del Castillo R. & Contreras-Garduño J. 2014. Is sexual dimorphism in the immune response of Gryllodes sigillatus related to the quality of diet? ISRN Evolutionary Biology. ID 329736.
33. Contreras-Garduño J., Rodríguez M.C., Rodríguez M.H. y Lanz H. 2014. Cost of immune priming within generations: trade-off between infection and reproduction. Microbes and Infection. 16(3):261-267.
32. Moore et al. 2013. Cross-cultural variation in women’s preferences for cues to sex- and stress-hormones in male face. Biology Letters. 9(3). 20130050.
31. Ruiz-Guzmán et al. 2013. Sexual dimorphism in immune response: Testing the hypothesis in an insect species with two male morphs. Insect Science. 20(5): 620-628.
30. Villanueva et. al. 2013. In the monarch butterfly the juvenile hormone effect upon immune response depends on the immune marker and is sex dependent. Open Journal of Ecology. 3(1):53-58.
29. Contreras-Garduño J & Canales-Lazcano J. 2013. Secondary sexual traits, immune response, parasites, and pathogens: the importance of studying neotropical insects. In: sexual selection: perspectives and models from the Neotropics. Macedo R. H. & Machado G. (Eds.). Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-416028-6.00003-7
28. Enríquez-Vara et al. 2012. Is survival after pathogen exposure explained by host’s immune strength? A test with two species of white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) exposed to fungal infection. Enviromental Entomology. 41(4):959-965.
27. López-Olmos et al. 2012. Role of endonuclease V, Uracil-DNA glycosylase and mismatch repair in Bacillus subtilis DNA base-deamination-induced mutagenesis. Journal of Bacteriology. 194(2):243-252.
26. Córdoba-Aguilar et al. 2012. No firm evidence of immunological costs of insect oviposition and copulation: a test with dragonflies. Odonatologica. 41(1):7-15.
25. Contreras-Garduño J., Alonso-Salgado A. & Villanueva G. 2012. Phenoloxidase production: the importance of time after juvenile hormone analogue administration in Hetaerina americana (Fabricius) (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae). Odonatologica. 41:1-6.
24. Contreras-Garduño J., Córdoba-Aguilar A. & Martínez-Becerril R.I. 2011. The relationship between male wing pigmentation and condition in Erythrodiplax funerea (hagen) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica. 40(2):89-94.
23. Contreras-Garduño et al. 2011. Juvenile hormone favors sexually-selected traits but impairs fat reserves and abdomen mass in males and females. Evolutionary Ecology. 25(4):845-856.
22. Córdoba-Aguilar et al. 2009. Sexual dimorphism in immunity: a test using insects (Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Odonata). Odonatologica. 38(3):217-234.
21. Contreras-Garduño J., Osorno J.L., & Macías-García C. 2009. Weight difference threshold during shell selection relates to growth rate in the semi-terrestrial hermit crab Coenobita compressus. Behaviour. 146(12):1601-1614.
20. Córdoba-Aguilar A., Serrano-Meneses M.A., & Contreras-Garduño J. 2009. The Lek Mating System of Hetaerina Damselflies (Insecta: Calopterygidae). Behaviour. 146(2):189-207.
19. Contreras-Garduño J. et al. 2009. Territorial behaviour and immunity are mediated by juvenile hormone: the physiological basis of honest signalling? Functional Ecology. 23(1):157-163.
18. Contreras-Garduño J. et al. 2009. Spatial and temporal population differences in male density and condition in the American rubyspot, Hetaerina americana (Insecta: Calopterygidae). Ecological Research. 24(1):21–29.
17. Contreras-Garduño J., Córdoba Aguilar A., Peretti A. & Drummond H. 2009. Selección Sexual. In: Evolución Biológica. Morrone J.J. & Magaña P. (eds.). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
16. Aebi et al. 2008. The potential of native parasitoids for the control of mexican bean beetles: A genetic and ecological approach. Biological Control. 47(3):289-297.
15. Contreras-Garduño et al. 2008. The size of the red wing spot of the American rubyspot as a heightened condition-dependent ornament. Behavioral Ecology. 19(4):724-732.
14. Contreras-Garduño et al. 2008. Differences in immune ability do not correlate with parasitic burden in two Zigoptera species (Calopterygidae, Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 37(2):111-118.
13. Contreras-Garduño et al. 2007. Wing color properties do not reflect male condition in the American rubyspot (Hetaerina americana). Ethology 113(10):944-952.
12. Contreras-Garduño et al. 2007. Male-male competition and female behavior as determinants of male mating success in the semi-terrestrial hermit crab Coenobita compressus (H. Milne Edwards). Journal of Crustacean Biology 27(3): 411-416.
11. Contreras-Garduño et al. 2007. The expression of a sexually selected trait correlates with different immune defense components and survival in males of the American rubyspot. Journal of Insect Physiology 53(6): 612-621.
10. Contreras-Garduño J. & Córdoba-Aguilar A. 2006. Sexual selection in hermit crabs: a review and outlines for future research. Journal of Zoology 270(4):595-605.
9. Contreras-Garduño J., Canales-Lazcano J. & Córdoba-Aguilar A. 2006. Wing pigmentation, immune ability, fat reserves and territorial status in males of the rubyspot damselfly, Hetaerina americana. Journal of Ethology. 24:165-173.
8. Contreras-Garduño J., Peretti A.V. & Córdoba-Aguilar A. 2006. Evidence that mating plug is related to null female mating activity in the scorpion Vaejovis punctatus. Ethology. 112(2):152-163.
7. Álvarez et al. 2006. Ecological distribution and niche segregation of sibling species: The case of bean beetles, Acanthoscelides obtectus. Say and A. obvelatus Bridwell. Ecological Entomology. 31(6):582-590.
6. Córdoba-Aguilar et al. 2006. Sexual comparisons in immune ability, survival and parasite intensity in two damselfly species. Journal of Insect Physiology. 52(8):861-869.
5. Córdoba-Aguilar A & Contreras-Garduño J. 2006. Differences in immune ability in forest habitats of varying quality: dragonflies as study models. In: Forests and Dragonflies. Cordero A. (ed.). Pensoft Publishers. Sofia, Rusia pags 269-278.
4. Osorno J.L., Contreras-Garduño J. & Macías-García C. 2005. Long-term costs of using heavy shells in terrestrial hermit crabs and the limit of a shell preference: an experimental study. Journal of Zoology. 266(4):377-383.
3. Canales-Lazcano J., Contreras-Garduño J. & Córdoba-Aguilar A. 2005. Fitness-related attributes and gregarine burden in a non territorial damselfly Enallagma praevarum Hagen (Zigoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica. 34(2): 123-130.
2. Córdoba-Aguilar A. & Contreras-Garduño J. 2003. Sexual Conflict. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18(9):439-440.
1. Contreras-Garduño et al. 2003. Thamnophis scalaris (Mexican Alpine Blotched Garter Snake). Little Size. Herpetological Review. 32:110.

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